
As we head into the last week of term for the Princesses we're all dreaming of having a break and the awesome time that we had when we went away over the Summer Holidays. We were very lucky enough to go on a cruise around the Pacific on P&O Eden. 
Santo was the first stop and it was beautiful, so beautiful I actually spent the time enjoying it and not taking many photo's with my camera and left it up to Hubby and the GoPro. After we got off the ship we arranged a bus and driver for the day, hot tip the further along the street you go, you get a better price. Don't expect air conditioning, or luxury like we have in Australia either. That is just not island style, they will say yeah we have air con then you drive around with the windows open all day. FREE AIR CON. I  had the same type of air con in my first car.

In Santo we started at the Blue Lagoon, unbelievable, amazing clear fresh water. The Blue Lagoon effect is caused by the limestone. You know it is good when you just to to enjoy and jump in. Next stop was a small bay next to Turtle Lodge where we had beach to ourselves. 

Our driver then took us off to lunch at a local hotel, this was our view.

Must stop location in Santo is Million Dollar Point, I have been told by family we were travelling with that it was stunning but after Princess 2 saw you could get your hair braided for $5 there was no tearing her away, I spent the time chatting with the lovely lady in blue in this picture about the Preschool that she runs. Her sister in red runs a bottle shop and as we arrived on New Years Day she had been very busy the night before with little sleep. I was super impressed with these ladies and how hard they worked and took the opportunities to do more and train their daughters to do the same to  really capitalise on the cruise ship season for the island. I was more then happy to part with my $5 and not have to do Princess 2's hair for a few days.

At every port there are markets, they are all the same stuff and all amazingly handmade by the person selling them. They must all get together and work at the same place. 
That place may be a factory in China.

After taking Princess 2's braids out. Ah I loved not having to do hair every day. 

Next stop on the cruise Champagne Bay

Now I have seen some beautiful beaches in Australia and 
this would have to be better then anything I have seen so far. 
When I think of Paradise, this is it. 

 We spent the day swimming, Princess 1 got her hair braided, we ate local donuts, which are very similar to Raro Cook Island donuts and wandered the markets. Oh and I can't forget the yummo Sweet Potato Chips. These people know how to use a deep fryer.

You pay the local kids to hold a lizard. 

Someone was very tired after the second full day off the ship and maybe should have had more sun cream on those cheeks. There was so much more to do at Champagne Bay and after speaking with people once we got back on the ship we found out the snorkeling was great on the right hand side of the bay. 

A friend had told me to go to Kmart and buy a mesh flotation thing, the sort that you blow up the sides of it and you float around all day in the water with your head resting on the pillow. Brilliant idea, it folds down into a flat circle bag that when you are not using can sit at the bottom of your bag.

Next stop next time..... 


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