Sunny Days - 35 weeks

Usually David would discribe me as legs a platform and a head but now I'm legs a watermelon and a head. Heres pictures from 35 weeks. Loving my new Where's Wally top. I have never been so big before, Sunny is going to be one big baby by the looks of me. My father in law saw me last week and said 'Wow you actually look pregnant'.

So now that we have got past the 31 weeks when we had Riley and the 34 weeks when we had Monique the count down is on. The final arrangements are being made and Sunny althought we don't have a name for you yet we promise that we will call you something once we see your little face.

Each week I go to the Dr and she is further down, the very smart Dr last week told me 'She is coming but we just don't know when', hello how long did you go to medical school to be able to make that statement. Off to see the Prof next Thursday and hope that Sunny is still cooking along nicely and she makes her entance soon.

The lack of sleep and anxiety just excelerate my need to feel her kicking but then the mind plays tricks and I don't know what I'm feeling and I find myself mind back to the days prior to having Riley and questioning is it all going to be OK.  Is that actually movement? Why oh why in 4 pregnancies does Sunny's have to present me with an anterior placenta (placenta is at the front, so it masks the movements and kicks). Challanges make us stronger surely either that or I'm on the way to the loney bin, hope I can get a family discount!


  1. Your looking good, not long to go :D I can't wait to get a call or message. love ya.

  2. You are looking really fine Ande!!!!!
    I am looking foward to the big announcement.
    Love ya.

  3. You look so good Ande. Can't wait to see pics of 'Sunny' VERY soon! :)

  4. Ande, your blogs amaze me. You are one amazing woman and your personal journey of your beautiful Riley's time with you and now Sunny on her way to be in your arms brings me to tears but i can't help but smile at the same time. You are the sun and your children are your rays Ande. It's not long now and your days are going to be a whole lot brighter. xx

  5. sending you all our love, all the very best to you gorgeous girl,
    love Wendie xxxxx

  6. you look so beautiful sunny girl.... i hope she comes on the 4th :)
    i love you x


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