Family Holiday

Being surrounded by a large Family is awesome, I'm able to sit back and look and dream of my family being the same some day. Now I will not be having seven kids but to have a family holiday with all of David's siblings. partners, parents and all the nieces and two nephews was wonderful. I can feel the love, I can feel the connection between my girls and Suzanne's (my sister in law that lives in Tassie) girls even though they have not seen each other for three years.

Before the family holiday Monique was having issues at school not having friends to play with. There is always two sides to every story but all I was seeing and hearing was that Monique was taking herself off to the Library at lunch break to be by herself as she felt that she had no friends. This was heart breaking as a parent to know that she was alone. I had questioned if she knew how to make friends. When we were on the family holiday it was like a spark was ignited in Monique when she got together with Becky and Hannah. She had a friend that wanted to play with her, a friend that was interested in reading and playing and doing all the things that Monique loves. She was so happy.

Becky and Monique even convinced her kid less uncle and auntie that it was a good idea to have them over at their house for a sleep over. This was the first step in the plan to stay awake all night... Oh the joys of a girls sleep over. I'm glad that it wasn't me...

Our girls are pretty good travellers but when they get ants in their pants we use a few tactics. The DVD players and if they are not set up I have my camera as a backup. We were about an hour into the trip when Poppy started with her annoying ways. This I have found is sometimes because some other reason like needing to go to the toilet but being unable to communicate that at the time of being a pain. Here are some of her very artistic photos of her view from the back seat.

We have a tradition in the car, when we go through a tunnel on long trips you have to put your hands in the air and hold the tunnel up. I don't know when or how it started but people that drive past us must think we are nuts.

The back seat must be pretty boring, I got bored too


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