Sunny Days - Three Princesses in Waiting

Two Little Feet

Well we got through the ultrasound yesterday and there are sure to be more and as they each come I know I only get better with dealing with them. Sunny is fine, she is very active in there kicking around. It was lovely to see. To get through this ultrasound I used some strategies that the Psychologist taught me when I went for a visit a few weeks ago to learn ways to deal with the anxiety. Here are the strategies that work for me:
1. Distraction
2. Plan
3. Get answers straight away
4. Counting
5. Breath
This is what I did to get through and this is what I will continue to do to get through. For the last week I have been so busy doing stuff just to be distracted. I made a plan of the morning, getting the kids off to school and preschool, what time we would leave the house and I had also booked in with the same sonographer as I have had before so that she would understand my anxiety and not just shoo it away. As soon as I lay on the bed I asked the sonographer to show me the heart beating first and then we can go from there.  I start counting the things around the room, the roof until I can hear the heart beat. It is only at this point I can start to breath.

Look at those lips (half her face is covered by placenta)
Button Nose

Sunny is definately a girl so my blog name is gong to have to change to Three Princesses in Waiting in the near future.


  1. amazing photos Ande, she's beautiful :)

  2. WOW - LOVE the pics. I'm so happy that everything is going well. I'm sure you won't relax until she is safely alive in your arms. Three girls!! Poor Dave!! ;) It's very exciting.

  3. Gorgeous photos Ande


  4. Love her cute button nose :) Been thinking of you

  5. Oh Ande I'm so happy for you, love looking at this blog, another little girl how beautiful, love the greyscale pic of you with your bear for hope it is nice to, and your stratigies hope they continue to work for you. Take care and God bless.
    Love little Jen.


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